Sustainability and Environmental Studies Endeavor

SENSE is a non-profit organisation that seeks to promote environmental conservation and stewardship through research, education and socio-environmental entrepreneurship

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Our Objectives

Environmental Conservation

To conduct research for promoting environmental conservation and improving people’s livelihoods.

Increasing Productivity

To provide a platform to increase the capacity of young researchers, related stakeholders and the local community through mentorship and training

Sustainable Development

To promote socio-environmental entrepreneurship through involvement of local people for sustainable development.

SENSE in the Spotlight

Wetland Education

Will Indra be able to stop Kumbhikasur from taking over the wetland? Watch this video to find out!​

Save Our Wetlands - Impact Video

The Save Our Wetlands Campaign aimed to raise awareness of the importance of wetlands and the issues they are facing; particularly pollution, the spread of invasive species, and concretization. 

SENSE awarded with Youth4Climate grant

Enabling implementation of “Promotion of regenerative agriculture in Nagdaha, a sub urban area in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal”.